Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Guantanamo Disgrace

The shocking video of 16 year old Omar Khadr under interrogation by Canadian intelligence agents in violation of his child status and in complete violation of UN's convention on child soldiers is a shame for humanity. Some of Khadr's wounds were still raw and seeping even though he was captured several months prior to this interrogation. The unconscionable comment by a Canadian interrogator that "you are receiving pretty good medical treatment" has shocked most Canadians. In fact the entire world is shocked as can be gauged from the linked article:,2144,3489205,00.html

The Canadian interrogation was chilling enough but it was probably a great deal more civilized than what American interrogators would have subjected Khadr and others inmates to. Thank God for Canadians courts giving us an insight to this hell hole called Guantanamo. Stephen Harper needs to step up to his responsibility and have Khadr brought back to Canadian judicial system.

Guantanamo is George Bush's shame and this is his legacy. It is time to shut it down. The military tribunals are a farce. If the inmates are guilty of terrorist acts, try them under criminal law and if innocent, let them go.


Ajaz Haque said...

Indeed the death of a soldier is sad and George Bush should be asked to account for 4,000 deaths in Iraq for an illegal war.

In Khadr case, it has now been established that there was no eye witness and the evidence reluctantly produced by prosecution was tampered with to strengthen its case. According to papers released by prosecution there was another boy in the room with Khadr (who was killed) and the grenade could have been thrown by either one of them, but there was no eye witness.

If the inmates at Guantanamo are guilty, they should be tried and punished ACCORDING TO THE LAW and not according to the law of jungle. Khadr was 15 at the time and according to international rules state that he be treated as a child soldier.

American Muslim, not Muslim-American said...

Disregarding your idiotic assertions, i.e., illegal war, etc., "If the inmates at Guantanamo are guilty, they should be tried and punished ACCORDING TO THE LAW" Well, ACCORDING TO THE LAW, enemy combatant (this fact is undisputed) could be held until the cessation of hostilities. Then, he must be charged or released.

Ajaz Haque said...

Iraq war was illegal as it was never sanctioned by the United Nations. Geneva Convention defines rules of engagement in a war and the category 'Enemy Combatant' does not exist. It was coined by that idiotic senile Rumsfeld who said "I doubt if the war will last six months".

So I suggest you check your facts.

American Muslim, not Muslim-American said...

"Iraq war was illegal as it was never sanctioned by the United Nations."

Bullshit. UN resolution #678 sanctioned Iraq war.

"Geneva Convention defines rules of engagement in a war and the category 'Enemy Combatant' does not exist."

That is correct, but you seem to be too fucking dumb to realize that Khadr does not fall under any category defined by the GC, hence new category had to be created. (Not because you're dumb, because it did not exist).

Anonymous said...

God, the incredible hostility of the posters...

Living up to the US Constitution and the Geneva Convention (which we signed) is in the US interest. The Founding Fathers (whom the Right pretend to revere) didn't say "but ignore the law when things are difficult."

Guanatanamo is a national disgrace.

Ajaz Haque said...

98rsd, I agree with you entirely.