Thursday, August 22, 2024


(Courtesy AP Photo)

With the Democratic National Convention over, the euphoria caused by Biden withdrawal and Harris' candidacy should soon be over. The tough questions start now. We all know who Donald Trump is and we also know his idiosyncracies, but we don't know much about Kamala Harris, she is an unklnown quantity. As Biden's VP she was virtually non-existent. She will need to move away from Biden legacy and establish her own narrative to succeed. Tough questions will be asked in media interviews and press conferences where she will be tested. However, she has done well since she replaced Joe Biden. The real test for both candidates comes in the next 73 days to November 5.

As Hillary Clinton discovered shockingly, it is not the popular vote that counts, it is the number of electoral college votes that count. There are 538 electoral college votes and the winner needs to secure 270 votes to win. If no candidate gets 270 delegates, the House of Representatives will elect a President and the Senate will elect a Vice President. Several States are already in the decided column. It is the swing states that will decide the election. The current delegate count of decided and toss up States is as follows:

                 Donald Trump                       219

                 Kamala Harris                       208
                 Toss Up                                 111   

                 TOTAL                                  538

So it is the Toss Up States that will decide the final outcome. Of the seven key toss-up states, Trump currently leads in five and Harris in two. This could change between now and the election date.

According to 'Real Clear Politics' Trump is likely to win 287 electoral college votes and Harris 251 votes. However, it is too soon to call as swing states tend to move back and forth. To win, the candidates have to demonstrate that they have effective economic, immigration and, financial policies. So there is a long way to go yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trump is the best man for the job.